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Deposix Digital Escrow
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) escrow

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Escrow

Artificial Intelligence is a subcategory of computer sciences. It focuses on automizing intelligent behavior and machine learning. It aims at rebuilding functions of the human brain to make them learn independently and to develop continuously.

Artificial Intelligence

Possible areas of application are:

  • expert systems
  • data mining and text mining
  • analysis and prognosis
  • voice, face and image recognition
  • bots
  • search engines

The development of algorithms and applications in this area requires a lot of data and expert knowledge. These processes are highly complex; therefore, the market value of such developments is high and they require safekeeping by all means.

Although the use of Artificial Intelligence has great potential for savings and revenue, the costs in case of a sudden failure of the application and the generated data are massive.

Deposix solves this conflict of interest between AI developer and AI user. We deposit input data, algorithms and entire applications in trust and minimize potential risks. Deposix therefore acts as neutral, technologically competent contact partner for both contracting parties.

If you have any further questions, please contact us anytime!

© 2001-2024 by Deposix - all rights reserved

Deposix Software Escrow GmbH
Innere Wiener Straße 11a
81667 Munich ​

Tel.: +49 (89) 189 125 5-0

ISO certifications

Deposix has been ISO certified by MSECB since 2022.


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